Why does Organizing Feel so Good?

Article by Mallory McInnis, Featured on BuzzFeed

Post by Morgan Kirol

Why does organizing feel so good? How is it that decluttering a room and putting things in easy to find places makes everything feel right in the world? In this article by BuzzFeed, the author features 31 products that will make your life that much easier, simply by organizing. I find it very interesting how taking the time out to clean and organize can also declutter my mind and make me feel at ease with all the craziness that goes on in my life. I think digital media has helped even more to reveal to people the many different ways they can get organized and the multitude of products that can help them do so.

Here are two of my favorite products from the article:

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Why is fake grass so cute?


Okay, maybe I just love miniature things.

Here is a link to my previous post on Beauty Throughout the Ages!

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