TROY’s Cool Trick

Will Prince

Here’s the artist I took a look at, Will Prince, he’s a London based illustrator combining drawings and graphic skills to create wonders notable by Kid Cudi, Kanye, Chance the Rapper & many more!

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Sketching with different brush directions, a very useful tool in his style of sketchy drawings. Here is a link in how to tweak brush directions and get some more effective line work in to your illustrator projects. This specific tool is cool because direction of a brush stroke can direct a lot of the visuals in a piece, simulating how holding a pencil differently in a manual drawing might affect digital works too. Also here are some easy steps I learned on the adobe website to make a drawing already done in illustrator look sketchy. This tool could help you spice up some more clean work and give it a more expressive feel perhaps.

by Troy Brice

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