Ben and Jerrys Quiz- Syd Casey Emily

Have Fun!

Fill in the blanks with answers from the wordbox. You don’t need to rewrite the question, just write the answer next to the correct number.


presets, workspaces, tool panel, selection tool, refine edge, crop tool, gradient tool, horizontal type tool, character panel, layer style, layer effect, non destructive editing, layer, mask, resolution, pixels, raster vs rector, GIF animation, history panel, history brush tool, 72ppi, 300pppi, 150ppi, noise, resizing and resampling,  timeline window clipping, New document panel

1.The _____________ panel you can select a ____________ to create a document on an already established size

2. You will need to use __________ in order to create a GIF

3. In photoshop ________ is a bar off to the left that contains a wide range of gizmos that can help you manipulate an image

4. Save images at resolution at __________ for web and ___________ for print

5. The ________ consists of several components that you will use to create your works of art

6. The area where you can edit the size, color, font and more of texts is the _________

7. _________ an image will change the resolution as you change the size, maintaining the number of pixels, where as _________ will create or erase pixels to  change the size without chaining resolution.

8. After quickly selecting a desired part of an image to smooth or feather the edges, use the ______________ tool

9. To have a pixelated glow, you can increase the percentage of _____________.

10. A ___________ mask has you draw on a mask with a brush and areas colored in black or grey get masked.

11. Another way of deleting a part of an image is to use  the _____________.

12. Click and hover over the paint bucket tool and you will find the ____________ which lets you blend multiple colors

13. Hover over the T icon to find various ways to type words on to an image. The __________ will produce a straight to the image.

14. ________ tiny colored squares which make up a whole digital images

15. Use the _________ to undo changes or look back into what has been done.

16. Masking is a form of _______________

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