Diana, Taylor, Natassje QUIZ

Section 1

With just using the “New” document dialogue: Make a new document with width of 25.74 picas and height of 12 picas. Be sure to make the resolution 300 pixels/inch and set the background content as your favorite color!

True of False (if false please explain why)? A workspace only consists the tools panel which is located to the left of photoshop (tools panel consists of the crop tool, lasso tool, selection tool, etc)

Make this:

 Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 3.24.56 PM

Use these:

 cat1 cat2 save-the-ocean-tips_13821_600x450-1

Where can you find the character panel under the toolbar?

Section 2

Lady Cats MAKE ME


serious pug lounge cat 2 louge cat fancy cat fancy spa

Section 3

What is the difference between resize and resample?

What resolution would you set your image to in photoshop if you are going to make something for the web? Or for print?

What is a pixel?

Bonus (no points will be given, just street cred) What famous artists developed a pixel-esque painting technique and what was the style called?

What is the difference between raster and vector?

Take the image you created and make a Gif of the tears on the pug blinking down his face.

What is the benefit of the History Panel?

Explain how to use the History Brush Tool.

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