Jillian’s Cool Trick

Here’s the link to the work done by the artist Beto Garza.

So while searching for a great adobe illustrator artist I stumbled upon the artist Beto Garza. His work is amazing and so appealing to the eye. It’s detailed but not overly done and it gives you a look through the eyes of Beto and lets you see how he views things and how he makes them into art.




Beto began using the pencil tool but then branched out and began to use the shape tool and the Pathfinder panel. So cool!

One cool tool that I’m new to is the Appearance Attributes through the appearance panel.They are properties that affect the object your working on without harming or altering the underlying structure.  Here are some videos that explain how to use it!

Video 1

Video 2

Here are some other cool places to find Beto Garza’s work!





Post by Jillian (cool queen) Juhas

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