Becky Turner’s Cool Trick

Yukio Miyamoto’s cool artwork is hyper-realistic and, of course, cool, and almost unbelievable. I thought his works were all cool photos when I first saw them. His artwork has been in many cool design books because he is so successful and cool. He has been using illustrator since the 80s, and teaches cool classes for cool mac and pc users.



Here’s a cool link to a cool webpage about Yukio’s cool artwork, and how he does it!illustrator_artworks_showcase_92

illustrator_artworks_showcase_95I read that he uses the cool “Gradient Mesh Tool” in mostly all of his cool artwork.

Here are some links to some cool tutorials using the cool Gradient Mesh Tool.

Click here!

Click here, too!

I think the coolest part about his cool artwork is that anyone with enough training and cool skills in adobe illustrator can create cool artwork like this too! I don’t know about you cool cats, but I definitely am going to try to learn how to create cool realistic images in illustrator.

Post by the super cool Becky Turner.


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