Syds trick!



The image above was created by Breno Bitencourt. The artist posts his work on

Bitencourt is an artist from Brazil who has a global clients. He was a logo designer who likes to experiment in his personal work across low-poly illustrations, 3D glitch art and more.

Bitencourt created a video to explain how to create the image above. He told the website that it took around four hours to make. For majority of the film, we see the artist using the pen tool. He explains to “just use the Pen tool to mark out the three points. This might sound silly, but it’ll save you a bunch of time over the hundreds of triangles you’re gonna create.”


He breaks down step by step how to use the pen tool in this situation.




In the end we see other artists comments and attempts at making there own version of the work


Victor Brd L





Here are more links on the penn tool! 

The second link 🙂 


Syd Fields


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